Home Builders.net.au • Termites white-ants in Mosman Sydney Metro Region


Home Builders.net.au • Termites white-ants in Mosman Sydney Metro Region





Home Builders.net.au Termites white-ants in Mosman Sydney Metro Region

  Home Builders when building a new home or ground level extensions must include a termite barrier in accordance with Building Code & Mosman Council requirements.
In addition, home builders often find active termites during renovations when walls are remodelled or demolished. 

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite Control Mosman • article on destructive termites in the Mosman Sydney Metro region – their identification – destructive nature – usual nest location sites.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Master of Commerce UNSW • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • served on the NSW Govt Pest Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees AS.3660 & AS.4349.

FUMAPEST Termite Control Mosman has NSW Licence to install KORDON Termite Barrier in buildings during construction and advise builders and their clientele on what is required to properly protect the building from termites.

Destructive Termites • white-ants • in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region

Subterranean termites or “white-ants” are a fascinating yet highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage to domestic and commercial buildings in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region.

Termites are a serious economic pest in the Mosman Council Region: We estimate about one quarter of all properties in the area will be seriously affected by subterranean termites. That’s why virtually all sales of homes in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region are subject to a Timber Pest Inspection Report to AS.4349 as part of the Contract of Sale.

Most homes are at high risk in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region – particularly the medium to high density areas where well established gum trees are within a 100 metre radius of the building.
The wide use of landscaping timbers and garden mulch also dramatically increases the risk. Many of the older style homes, built low to the ground, with poor ventilation, are ripe for subterranean termite attack and should be protected by Termite Preventive Barrier to AS.3660 using Termidor soil treatment termiticide.

PROPER IDENTIFICATION IS ESSENTIAL Some species of subterranean termites prefer to attack living trees and will not eat dry seasoned timbers in a building, whilst others can be are highly destructive to such buildings in a short amount of time.

Coptotermes acinaciformis – common in Mosman Sydney Metro Region particularly in built-up urban areas – under concrete on-ground flooring – areas where eucalypt gum trees are prevalent.

Highly Destructive – most widely distributed and destructive timber pest in the region – accounts for more than 70% of damage to buildings – a single colony may contain more than 1 million termites.

Nest LocationCoptotermes acinaciformis – very secretive termite species – build their nest out of sight, often within the base of eucalyptus or other susceptible trees, or completely under the ground – often within an enclosed patio or under concrete on ground flooring which is ideal for moisture retention, temperature and humidity control within the termite colony’s central nest.

Schedorhinotermes intermedius – often found in Mosman Sydney Metro Region – they appear to gouge affected timber – soldiers contain a larger major 6mm length – minor soldier 4mm length.

Destructive NatureSchedorhinotermes intermedius are highly destructive to buildings and other timber structures. If mostly major (larger) soldiers are sighted, it is most likely a large colony with the potential to cause severe and rapid damage to structural timbers of a building and timber structures.

Nest LocationSchedorhinotermes intermedius commonly build their nest in tree stumps, in the root crown of living, dead or debilitated trees, under houses or within enclosed patios or other areas where timber is buried or stored in contact with the soil.

Coptotermes frenchi are found in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region – particularly in built-up urban areas, where homes and buildings are constructed of softwood or oregon timber framing.

Highly Destructive – causing severe damage to buildings and other wooden structures – often devouring timber framing leaving behind only a hollowed out thin veneer.

Nest Location – Identification – they often build their nest in root crown or lower trunk area of living trees, particularly eucalypts – may build their nest as a mound in dryer areas – Coptotermes frenchi is an extremely shy termite – they will retreat from a location immediately, if disturbed.- the soldiers have a pear shaped head compared to a somewhat rectangular head of Coptotermes acinaciformis.

Nasutitermes exitiosus are commonly found in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region and other areas of NSW – particularly in built-up urban areas or where eucalypt gum trees are highly prevalent.

Destructive Nature – Nasutitermes exitiosus are destructive to buildings and other timber structures. Sometimes severe damage may occur, but not so commonly as the other species listed above.

Nest LocationNasutitermes exitiosus build a mound nest which protrudes 30cm to 75cm above ground. The observed nest can be treated with Termidor Termiticide for total colony elimination.

Coptotermes lacteus are found in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region and accross eastern NSW – particularly prevalent along the entire coast-line, along the Great Dividing Range and western slopes.

Destructive NatureCoptotermes lacteus attacks stumps, dead trees, timber fences, poles and other timber structures that are in contact with the soil, being softened by weathering or decay. These termites are also known to attack such timber in damp sub-floor areas.

Nest Location – this termite species, most often builds it’s nest as a mound up to 2m above ground level, with hard clay walls – to eradicate the colony – treat with Termidor Termiticide.

Nasutitermes walkeri are commonly found in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region and other coastal and mountain regions along the eastern side of NSW.

Nasutitermes walkeri can be destructive to damp timbers often a serious problem where the sub-floor of a building is damp and ventilation is poor with resulting wood decay or fungal growth.

Nest LocationNasutitermes walkeri build a nest in trees on the main trunk or in fork of large branch.

Heterotermes ferox are commonly found in the Mosman Sydney Metro Region particularly where eucalypt gum trees and damp decaying timber are highly prevalent.

Prefers Damp Decaying Timbers –  usually encountered attacking posts, poles, paling fences, timber decking and flooring – wherever weathering and decay are present – sometimes may cause severe damage to sound timbers – often confused with the more destructive Coptotermes acinaciformis.

Nest Location & Identification – a multi-nester – small subterranean nests – near stumps, rotting wood or nests of other species – do not range far from nest – do not have extensive gallery systems – leave affected timber with mottled appearance – soldiers 3.5 to 7.5mm – with a long rectangular head – no obvious teeth on dark mandibles – display a peculiar shuffle backwards when confronted.

Dampwood Termites form small independent nests which often attack sick or dead trees, decaying stumps or mould timber in the ground; they are seldom found in dry timbers in buildings.

Drywood Termites occur mostly in tropical areas, where atmospheric humidity is constantly above 75 percent. The introduced and highly destructive West Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis, is rarely located in NSW, once in Sydney in the early 1980’s. Specialist eradication procedures involve wrapping entire building in plastic and using methyl bromide fumigation.

Termites & Termite Control Services • Articles • PDF Links

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF – Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

KORDON Termite Barrier • Articles • Links

Home Builders vs Termites – article on Avoiding Legal Liabilities

Kordon Termite Barrier – CSIRO Appraisal – Kordon Physical Termite Barrier System

Kordon Termite Barrier – Checklist – Builders Responsibility

Kordon Termite Barrier – Bayer Installation Manual

Kordon Termite Barrier – Product Safety Sheet

Kordon Termite Barrier – Installation – Concrete Slab – Bearers & Joists

Kordon Termite Barrier – Installation – External Perimeter

Kordon Termite Barrier – Example of Meter Box Sticker

Kordon Termite Barrier – Termites Fact Sheet – Biology & Distribution

Guide to Home Builders – Termite Issues – Australian Govt publication

Home Builders – Termite Control – Qld Building Services Authority

Australian Building Codes Board – Termite Control Requirements

About FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Mosman … our credentials

APCA ... for Your Protection
  Same Family Business Since 1964FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a second generation family business. After more than 50 years of providing pest control in Mosman Council Region, we have a valuable reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARDFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award from NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for development of its EcoSafe Pest Control systems.

APCA Consumer AdvisorFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a major sponsor of the Australian Pest Control Association; regularly assisting APCA Secretariat in providing professional advice to consumers with pest control problems; pesticide safety issues; and pest control training courses in NSW.

Industry Stewardship • FUMAPEST Managing Director served on NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board and Standards Australia Committes for Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349.

Insurance DetailsFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control maintains public liability and professional indemnity insurances to cover personal injury and faulty workmanship of up to $20 million and $1 million respectively.

WARNING: The NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get a NSW Government WorkCover issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with WorkCover) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Mosman Council Region


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email


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Home Builders.net.au • Termites white-ants in Canterbury Sydney Metro Region


Home Builders.net.au • Termites white-ants in Canterbury Sydney Metro Region





Home Builders.net.au Termites white-ants in Canterbury Sydney Metro Region

  Home Builders when building a new home or ground level extensions must include a termite barrier in accordance with Building Code & Canterbury Council requirements.
In addition, home builders often find active termites during renovations when walls are remodelled or demolished. 

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite Control Canterbury • article on destructive termites in the Canterbury Sydney Metro region – their identification – destructive nature – usual nest location sites.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Master of Commerce UNSW • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • served on the NSW Govt Pest Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees AS.3660 & AS.4349.

FUMAPEST Termite Control Canterbury has NSW Licence to install KORDON Termite Barrier in buildings during construction and advise builders and their clientele on what is required to properly protect the building from termites.

Destructive Termites • white-ants • in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region

Subterranean termites or “white-ants” are a fascinating yet highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage to domestic and commercial buildings in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region.

Termites are a serious economic pest in the Canterbury Council Region: We estimate about one quarter of all properties in the area will be seriously affected by subterranean termites. That’s why virtually all sales of homes in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region are subject to a Timber Pest Inspection Report to AS.4349 as part of the Contract of Sale.

Most homes are at high risk in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region – particularly the medium to high density areas where well established gum trees are within a 100 metre radius of the building.
The wide use of landscaping timbers and garden mulch also dramatically increases the risk. Many of the older style homes, built low to the ground, with poor ventilation, are ripe for subterranean termite attack and should be protected by Termite Preventive Barrier to AS.3660 using Termidor soil treatment termiticide.

PROPER IDENTIFICATION IS ESSENTIAL Some species of subterranean termites prefer to attack living trees and will not eat dry seasoned timbers in a building, whilst others can be are highly destructive to such buildings in a short amount of time.

Coptotermes acinaciformis – common in Canterbury Sydney Metro Region particularly in built-up urban areas – under concrete on-ground flooring – areas where eucalypt gum trees are prevalent.

Highly Destructive – most widely distributed and destructive timber pest in the region – accounts for more than 70% of damage to buildings – a single colony may contain more than 1 million termites.

Nest LocationCoptotermes acinaciformis – very secretive termite species – build their nest out of sight, often within the base of eucalyptus or other susceptible trees, or completely under the ground – often within an enclosed patio or under concrete on ground flooring which is ideal for moisture retention, temperature and humidity control within the termite colony’s central nest.

Schedorhinotermes intermedius – often found in Canterbury Sydney Metro Region – they appear to gouge affected timber – soldiers contain a larger major 6mm length – minor soldier 4mm length.

Destructive NatureSchedorhinotermes intermedius are highly destructive to buildings and other timber structures. If mostly major (larger) soldiers are sighted, it is most likely a large colony with the potential to cause severe and rapid damage to structural timbers of a building and timber structures.

Nest LocationSchedorhinotermes intermedius commonly build their nest in tree stumps, in the root crown of living, dead or debilitated trees, under houses or within enclosed patios or other areas where timber is buried or stored in contact with the soil.

Coptotermes frenchi are found in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region – particularly in built-up urban areas, where homes and buildings are constructed of softwood or oregon timber framing.

Highly Destructive – causing severe damage to buildings and other wooden structures – often devouring timber framing leaving behind only a hollowed out thin veneer.

Nest Location – Identification – they often build their nest in root crown or lower trunk area of living trees, particularly eucalypts – may build their nest as a mound in dryer areas – Coptotermes frenchi is an extremely shy termite – they will retreat from a location immediately, if disturbed.- the soldiers have a pear shaped head compared to a somewhat rectangular head of Coptotermes acinaciformis.

Nasutitermes exitiosus are commonly found in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region and other areas of NSW – particularly in built-up urban areas or where eucalypt gum trees are highly prevalent.

Destructive Nature – Nasutitermes exitiosus are destructive to buildings and other timber structures. Sometimes severe damage may occur, but not so commonly as the other species listed above.

Nest LocationNasutitermes exitiosus build a mound nest which protrudes 30cm to 75cm above ground. The observed nest can be treated with Termidor Termiticide for total colony elimination.

Coptotermes lacteus are found in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region and accross eastern NSW – particularly prevalent along the entire coast-line, along the Great Dividing Range and western slopes.

Destructive NatureCoptotermes lacteus attacks stumps, dead trees, timber fences, poles and other timber structures that are in contact with the soil, being softened by weathering or decay. These termites are also known to attack such timber in damp sub-floor areas.

Nest Location – this termite species, most often builds it’s nest as a mound up to 2m above ground level, with hard clay walls – to eradicate the colony – treat with Termidor Termiticide.

Nasutitermes walkeri are commonly found in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region and other coastal and mountain regions along the eastern side of NSW.

Nasutitermes walkeri can be destructive to damp timbers often a serious problem where the sub-floor of a building is damp and ventilation is poor with resulting wood decay or fungal growth.

Nest LocationNasutitermes walkeri build a nest in trees on the main trunk or in fork of large branch.

Heterotermes ferox are commonly found in the Canterbury Sydney Metro Region particularly where eucalypt gum trees and damp decaying timber are highly prevalent.

Prefers Damp Decaying Timbers –  usually encountered attacking posts, poles, paling fences, timber decking and flooring – wherever weathering and decay are present – sometimes may cause severe damage to sound timbers – often confused with the more destructive Coptotermes acinaciformis.

Nest Location & Identification – a multi-nester – small subterranean nests – near stumps, rotting wood or nests of other species – do not range far from nest – do not have extensive gallery systems – leave affected timber with mottled appearance – soldiers 3.5 to 7.5mm – with a long rectangular head – no obvious teeth on dark mandibles – display a peculiar shuffle backwards when confronted.

Dampwood Termites form small independent nests which often attack sick or dead trees, decaying stumps or mould timber in the ground; they are seldom found in dry timbers in buildings.

Drywood Termites occur mostly in tropical areas, where atmospheric humidity is constantly above 75 percent. The introduced and highly destructive West Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis, is rarely located in NSW, once in Sydney in the early 1980’s. Specialist eradication procedures involve wrapping entire building in plastic and using methyl bromide fumigation.

Termites & Termite Control Services • Articles • PDF Links

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF – Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

KORDON Termite Barrier • Articles • Links

Home Builders vs Termites – article on Avoiding Legal Liabilities

Kordon Termite Barrier – CSIRO Appraisal – Kordon Physical Termite Barrier System

Kordon Termite Barrier – Checklist – Builders Responsibility

Kordon Termite Barrier – Bayer Installation Manual

Kordon Termite Barrier – Product Safety Sheet

Kordon Termite Barrier – Installation – Concrete Slab – Bearers & Joists

Kordon Termite Barrier – Installation – External Perimeter

Kordon Termite Barrier – Example of Meter Box Sticker

Kordon Termite Barrier – Termites Fact Sheet – Biology & Distribution

Guide to Home Builders – Termite Issues – Australian Govt publication

Home Builders – Termite Control – Qld Building Services Authority

Australian Building Codes Board – Termite Control Requirements

About FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Canterbury … our credentials

APCA ... for Your Protection
  Same Family Business Since 1964FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a second generation family business. After more than 50 years of providing pest control in Canterbury Council Region, we have a valuable reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARDFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award from NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for development of its EcoSafe Pest Control systems.

APCA Consumer AdvisorFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a major sponsor of the Australian Pest Control Association; regularly assisting APCA Secretariat in providing professional advice to consumers with pest control problems; pesticide safety issues; and pest control training courses in NSW.

Industry Stewardship • FUMAPEST Managing Director served on NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board and Standards Australia Committes for Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349.

Insurance DetailsFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control maintains public liability and professional indemnity insurances to cover personal injury and faulty workmanship of up to $20 million and $1 million respectively.

WARNING: The NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get a NSW Government WorkCover issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with WorkCover) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Canterbury Council Region


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email


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Shape Australia Pty Ltd Suite 2 40 Pacific Highway, ST LEONARDS NSW 2065

Web LinksIsis Projects Pty LtdPhone 9906 6977 • Fax 9906 6738 • Incorporated 1 Jul 2005Business ProfileHome Design & ConstructionCommercial ProjectsIndustrial ProjectsPast Projects ABN LinkASIC LinkNominated Supervisor John Drayton2022 Home Builders DirectoryThe TeamBuilding & Construction Services

   Willoughby Council • Home Building • DA Links


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Willoughby Council Building Certifiers – Principal Certifying AuthorityWilloughby Council MeetingsHeritage ConservationArchitecture and HeritageExempt DevelopmentComplying Development CertificateBuilding CertificateConstruction CertificateOccupation CertificateSec 149 Planning Certificate

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading

Fair Trading.nsw.gov.au

Builders Licence CheckASIC SearchABN SearchDFT PublicationsConsumer GuidesBuilding ContractsHome Building TipsBuilding Check List.

Contact • NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 02 9895 0111 • Fax 02 9895 0222

Any person who carries out residential building work worth over $1,000 in labour and materials content without an appropriate licence is breaking the law and could be prosecuted.

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Accreditation of Building Certifiers


NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading role is to register building certifiers who possess appropriate tertiary qualifications • and to deregister a certifier for professional misconduct.

Contact • NSW Govt • Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 13 32 20

Consumer GuidesBuilding Certifier ResponsibilitiesBuilding Certifier Code of ConductBuilding Certifier Disciplinary RegisterBuilding Certifier Conflicts of InterestBuilding Certifier FormsBuilding Certfication Data Reporting

   2022 Architects Directory


Find Architects & Building Designers in Willoughby Council region • includes business name • name of registered principals • contact details • address • phone • email • website.

Includes a link search of listed Architects to Register of NSW Architects Registration Board

Consumer Guides • Working with a ARB Registered Architect • NSW Architects Registration Act 2003 & Regulations • NSW ARB Registered Architects Codes of Practice.

Willoughby Council

DA Development Application

  2022 Home Builders Directory • Willoughby Council Region

Home Builders.net.au

HomeBuilders.net.au published by FUMAPEST to
provide contact details of professional builders and website links to reliable
consumer protection advice and information • click here to apply for FREE listing.

Disclaimer & Feedback information contained in HomeBuilders.net.au
Directory may be inaccurate and need updating • we welcome any comments • suggestions for improvement • details of incorrect entries • please click
to email us

   2022 Building Certifiers Directory


Find Accredited Building Certifiers in the Willoughby Council Region • includes business name • individual building certifiers • contact details • address • phone • email

Consumer Guide: NSW Govt Building Professionals BoardRegister of Building CertifiersNSW Building Certifiers Code of Practice Accreditation as a Building Certifier in NSWWorking with a Building CertifierNSW Building Professionals Act 2005NSW Building Professionals Regulation 2007PublicationsNSW Dept of Fair Trading home building advice

   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control KORDON Termite Barrier for Builders


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 are termite and pest control specialists since 1964 in the Willoughby Council region • services include AS.3660 termite control barriers • termite baits • termite inspection reports • pest control services.

KORDON Termite Barrier is installed by FUMAPEST Termite Control during the construction of a building • made by Bayer Australia • CodeMark Accredited to meet BCA & Willoughby Council termite barrier building requirements • more details • click here

   Master Builders Association of NSW

MBA NSW.asn.au

Master Builders Association of NSW – formed in 1873 as Building and Contractors Association of NSW • The name changed to Master Builders Association of NSW in 1890 • Over 6,000 members.

Contact Details • Master Builders Association of NSW • Phone 02 8586 3555

Residential builders form a large proportion of the membership of the Master Builders Association of NSW. Many of the members are small to medium family businesses.

   Housing Industry Association


Housing Industry Association is Australia’s largest residential building organisation. Members include builders, trade contractors, design professionals, kitchen and bathroom specialists, manufacturers and suppliers.

Contact Details • Housing Industry Association • Phone NSW Office 02 6285 7300

Consumer Services • HIA develops and advocates policies regarding housing and renovations recognising the importance of the housing industry.

   Building Designers Association NSW

BDA NSW.com.au

Building Designers Association members are professionals involved in the design for residential, commercial or industrial projects.

Contact Details • Building Designers Association • Phone 02 4968 9985

Building Designers • Architectural Drafting Services do not require registration with NSW Architects Registration Board.

   2022 Restaurant Food GuideRecommended

Restaurant Food Guide.com.au

2022 Directory of Restaurants & Cafes in the Willoughby Council region • contact details • address • menu cuisine • bookings • reservations • reviews

Menu Cuisine • Asian • Australian • Cafe • Bistro • Brazilian • Chinese • European • French • German • Greek • Indian • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Lebanese • Mediterranean • Mexican • Mongolian • Morrocan • Nepalese • Polish • Seafood • Steak • Thai • Vegetarian • Vietnamese

NSW Food Safety Ratings System • NSW Food Authority • NSW Food Act


Council Region

   2022 Tree Loppers Directory

Tree Loppers.net.au

2022 Directory of Arborists Tree Loppers & Tree Removal in Willoughby Council region

Consumer Guide for the Selection of a Tree Service Company or Arborist for the purposes of Tree Care & Maintenance • Tree Pruning • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding & Removal.

Willoughby Council TPO Tree Preservation Orders • Willoughby Council Application Forms • Tree Removal • Tree Lopping • Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding & Removal.

Willoughby Council TPO

   2022 Home Builders Directory by Local Council Region

Home Builders.net.au

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AshfieldAuburnBankstownBaulkham HillsBlacktownBlue MountainsBotany BayBurwoodCamdenCampbelltownCanada BayCanterburyCessnockCity of SydneyFairfieldGosfordHawkesburyHolroydHornsbyHunters HillHurstvilleKiamaKogarahKu-ring-gaiLake MacquarieLane CoveLeichhardtLiverpoolMaitlandManlyMarrickvilleMosmanMuswellbrook ShireNewcastleNorth SydneyParramattaPenrithPittwaterRandwickRockdaleRydeShellharbourShoalhavenSingletonStrathfieldSutherland ShireWarringahWaverleyWilloughbyWingecarribeeWollondillyWollongongWoollahraWyong

   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – Same Family Business – Since 1964


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 for safe effective pest control of cockroachesantsbed bugsfleasratsmicespidersbeeswaspssilverfishbird proofingtermite inspection reportstermite controltermite barrierstermite baiting.

Remember: Subterranean termites are a highly destructive timber pest responsible for serious damage to homes in Australia • Home Insurance does NOT cover the cost of repairs.

A FUMAPEST Termite Inspection Report & Treatment Proposal costs $300 for average size home • comprehensive inspection and report • termite control options to AS 3660.


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email

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Living Space Constructions Pty Ltd | ARTARMON NSW

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Living Space Constructions Pty Ltd 60 Dickson Avenue, ARTARMON NSW 2064

Web LinksLiving Space Constructions Pty LtdPhone 9966 4255 • Fax 9966 4355 • Incorporated 3 Oct 2006Business ProfileResidential RenovationsAdditions & ExtensionsPicture GalleryABN LinkASIC LinkNominated Supervisor Shaun Hanley2022 Home Builders Directory

   Willoughby Council • Home Building • DA Links


DA Development ApplicationsDCP Development Control PlanLEP Local Environmental PlanSec 94A Developer Contributions

Willoughby Council – Town Planning DeptPhoneFaxEmail

Willoughby Council Building Certifiers – Principal Certifying AuthorityWilloughby Council MeetingsHeritage ConservationArchitecture and HeritageExempt DevelopmentComplying Development CertificateBuilding CertificateConstruction CertificateOccupation CertificateSec 149 Planning Certificate

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading

Fair Trading.nsw.gov.au

Builders Licence CheckASIC SearchABN SearchDFT PublicationsConsumer GuidesBuilding ContractsHome Building TipsBuilding Check List.

Contact • NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 02 9895 0111 • Fax 02 9895 0222

Any person who carries out residential building work worth over $1,000 in labour and materials content without an appropriate licence is breaking the law and could be prosecuted.

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Accreditation of Building Certifiers


NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading role is to register building certifiers who possess appropriate tertiary qualifications • and to deregister a certifier for professional misconduct.

Contact • NSW Govt • Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 13 32 20

Consumer GuidesBuilding Certifier ResponsibilitiesBuilding Certifier Code of ConductBuilding Certifier Disciplinary RegisterBuilding Certifier Conflicts of InterestBuilding Certifier FormsBuilding Certfication Data Reporting

   2022 Architects Directory


Find Architects & Building Designers in Willoughby Council region • includes business name • name of registered principals • contact details • address • phone • email • website.

Includes a link search of listed Architects to Register of NSW Architects Registration Board

Consumer Guides • Working with a ARB Registered Architect • NSW Architects Registration Act 2003 & Regulations • NSW ARB Registered Architects Codes of Practice.

Willoughby Council

DA Development Application

  2022 Home Builders Directory • Willoughby Council Region

Home Builders.net.au

HomeBuilders.net.au published by FUMAPEST to
provide contact details of professional builders and website links to reliable
consumer protection advice and information • click here to apply for FREE listing.

Disclaimer & Feedback information contained in HomeBuilders.net.au
Directory may be inaccurate and need updating • we welcome any comments • suggestions for improvement • details of incorrect entries • please click
to email us

   2022 Building Certifiers Directory


Find Accredited Building Certifiers in the Willoughby Council Region • includes business name • individual building certifiers • contact details • address • phone • email

Consumer Guide: NSW Govt Building Professionals BoardRegister of Building CertifiersNSW Building Certifiers Code of Practice Accreditation as a Building Certifier in NSWWorking with a Building CertifierNSW Building Professionals Act 2005NSW Building Professionals Regulation 2007PublicationsNSW Dept of Fair Trading home building advice

   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control KORDON Termite Barrier for Builders


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 are termite and pest control specialists since 1964 in the Willoughby Council region • services include AS.3660 termite control barriers • termite baits • termite inspection reports • pest control services.

KORDON Termite Barrier is installed by FUMAPEST Termite Control during the construction of a building • made by Bayer Australia • CodeMark Accredited to meet BCA & Willoughby Council termite barrier building requirements • more details • click here

   Master Builders Association of NSW

MBA NSW.asn.au

Master Builders Association of NSW – formed in 1873 as Building and Contractors Association of NSW • The name changed to Master Builders Association of NSW in 1890 • Over 6,000 members.

Contact Details • Master Builders Association of NSW • Phone 02 8586 3555

Residential builders form a large proportion of the membership of the Master Builders Association of NSW. Many of the members are small to medium family businesses.

   Housing Industry Association


Housing Industry Association is Australia’s largest residential building organisation. Members include builders, trade contractors, design professionals, kitchen and bathroom specialists, manufacturers and suppliers.

Contact Details • Housing Industry Association • Phone NSW Office 02 6285 7300

Consumer Services • HIA develops and advocates policies regarding housing and renovations recognising the importance of the housing industry.

   Building Designers Association NSW

BDA NSW.com.au

Building Designers Association members are professionals involved in the design for residential, commercial or industrial projects.

Contact Details • Building Designers Association • Phone 02 4968 9985

Building Designers • Architectural Drafting Services do not require registration with NSW Architects Registration Board.

   2022 Restaurant Food GuideRecommended

Restaurant Food Guide.com.au

2022 Directory of Restaurants & Cafes in the Willoughby Council region • contact details • address • menu cuisine • bookings • reservations • reviews

Menu Cuisine • Asian • Australian • Cafe • Bistro • Brazilian • Chinese • European • French • German • Greek • Indian • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Lebanese • Mediterranean • Mexican • Mongolian • Morrocan • Nepalese • Polish • Seafood • Steak • Thai • Vegetarian • Vietnamese

NSW Food Safety Ratings System • NSW Food Authority • NSW Food Act


Council Region

   2022 Tree Loppers Directory

Tree Loppers.net.au

2022 Directory of Arborists Tree Loppers & Tree Removal in Willoughby Council region

Consumer Guide for the Selection of a Tree Service Company or Arborist for the purposes of Tree Care & Maintenance • Tree Pruning • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding & Removal.

Willoughby Council TPO Tree Preservation Orders • Willoughby Council Application Forms • Tree Removal • Tree Lopping • Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding & Removal.

Willoughby Council TPO

   2022 Home Builders Directory by Local Council Region

Home Builders.net.au

Local Councils
AshfieldAuburnBankstownBaulkham HillsBlacktownBlue MountainsBotany BayBurwoodCamdenCampbelltownCanada BayCanterburyCessnockCity of SydneyFairfieldGosfordHawkesburyHolroydHornsbyHunters HillHurstvilleKiamaKogarahKu-ring-gaiLake MacquarieLane CoveLeichhardtLiverpoolMaitlandManlyMarrickvilleMosmanMuswellbrook ShireNewcastleNorth SydneyParramattaPenrithPittwaterRandwickRockdaleRydeShellharbourShoalhavenSingletonStrathfieldSutherland ShireWarringahWaverleyWilloughbyWingecarribeeWollondillyWollongongWoollahraWyong

   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – Same Family Business – Since 1964


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 for safe effective pest control of cockroachesantsbed bugsfleasratsmicespidersbeeswaspssilverfishbird proofingtermite inspection reportstermite controltermite barrierstermite baiting.

Remember: Subterranean termites are a highly destructive timber pest responsible for serious damage to homes in Australia • Home Insurance does NOT cover the cost of repairs.

A FUMAPEST Termite Inspection Report & Treatment Proposal costs $300 for average size home • comprehensive inspection and report • termite control options to AS 3660.


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email

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Renascent Constructions Pty Ltd | CHATSWOOD 2067 | Trade Links





Renascent Constructions Pty Ltd | CHATSWOOD NSW

Contact Details
Large Map
Licence Check
ABN Check
ASIC Check

Renascent Constructions Pty Ltd 127 Victoria Avenue, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067

Web LinksRenascent Constructions Pty Ltd • Phone 9882 6588 • Fax 9882 6599 • Incorporated 29 Jul 2002 • Business ProfileManage BuildDesign and Construct Past Projects ABN LinkASIC LinkNominated Supervisor Scott Baxter2022 Home Builders Directory

   Willoughby Council • Home Building • DA Links


DA Development ApplicationsDCP Development Control PlanLEP Local Environmental PlanSec 94A Developer Contributions

Willoughby Council – Town Planning DeptPhoneFaxEmail

Willoughby Council Building Certifiers – Principal Certifying AuthorityWilloughby Council MeetingsHeritage ConservationArchitecture and HeritageExempt DevelopmentComplying Development CertificateBuilding CertificateConstruction CertificateOccupation CertificateSec 149 Planning Certificate

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading

Fair Trading.nsw.gov.au

Builders Licence CheckASIC SearchABN SearchDFT PublicationsConsumer GuidesBuilding ContractsHome Building TipsBuilding Check List.

Contact • NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 02 9895 0111 • Fax 02 9895 0222

Any person who carries out residential building work worth over $1,000 in labour and materials content without an appropriate licence is breaking the law and could be prosecuted.

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Accreditation of Building Certifiers


NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading role is to register building certifiers who possess appropriate tertiary qualifications • and to deregister a certifier for professional misconduct.

Contact • NSW Govt • Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 13 32 20

Consumer GuidesBuilding Certifier ResponsibilitiesBuilding Certifier Code of ConductBuilding Certifier Disciplinary RegisterBuilding Certifier Conflicts of InterestBuilding Certifier FormsBuilding Certfication Data Reporting

   2022 Architects Directory


Find Architects & Building Designers in Willoughby Council region • includes business name • name of registered principals • contact details • address • phone • email • website.

Includes a link search of listed Architects to Register of NSW Architects Registration Board

Consumer Guides • Working with a ARB Registered Architect • NSW Architects Registration Act 2003 & Regulations • NSW ARB Registered Architects Codes of Practice.

Willoughby Council

DA Development Application

  2022 Home Builders Directory • Willoughby Council Region

Home Builders.net.au

HomeBuilders.net.au published by FUMAPEST to
provide contact details of professional builders and website links to reliable
consumer protection advice and information • click here to apply for FREE listing.

Disclaimer & Feedback information contained in HomeBuilders.net.au
Directory may be inaccurate and need updating • we welcome any comments • suggestions for improvement • details of incorrect entries • please click
to email us

   2022 Building Certifiers Directory


Find Accredited Building Certifiers in the Willoughby Council Region • includes business name • individual building certifiers • contact details • address • phone • email

Consumer Guide: NSW Govt Building Professionals BoardRegister of Building CertifiersNSW Building Certifiers Code of Practice Accreditation as a Building Certifier in NSWWorking with a Building CertifierNSW Building Professionals Act 2005NSW Building Professionals Regulation 2007PublicationsNSW Dept of Fair Trading home building advice

   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control KORDON Termite Barrier for Builders


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 are termite and pest control specialists since 1964 in the Willoughby Council region • services include AS.3660 termite control barriers • termite baits • termite inspection reports • pest control services.

KORDON Termite Barrier is installed by FUMAPEST Termite Control during the construction of a building • made by Bayer Australia • CodeMark Accredited to meet BCA & Willoughby Council termite barrier building requirements • more details • click here

   Master Builders Association of NSW

MBA NSW.asn.au

Master Builders Association of NSW – formed in 1873 as Building and Contractors Association of NSW • The name changed to Master Builders Association of NSW in 1890 • Over 6,000 members.

Contact Details • Master Builders Association of NSW • Phone 02 8586 3555

Residential builders form a large proportion of the membership of the Master Builders Association of NSW. Many of the members are small to medium family businesses.

   Housing Industry Association


Housing Industry Association is Australia’s largest residential building organisation. Members include builders, trade contractors, design professionals, kitchen and bathroom specialists, manufacturers and suppliers.

Contact Details • Housing Industry Association • Phone NSW Office 02 6285 7300

Consumer Services • HIA develops and advocates policies regarding housing and renovations recognising the importance of the housing industry.

   Building Designers Association NSW

BDA NSW.com.au

Building Designers Association members are professionals involved in the design for residential, commercial or industrial projects.

Contact Details • Building Designers Association • Phone 02 4968 9985

Building Designers • Architectural Drafting Services do not require registration with NSW Architects Registration Board.

   2022 Restaurant Food GuideRecommended

Restaurant Food Guide.com.au

2022 Directory of Restaurants & Cafes in the Willoughby Council region • contact details • address • menu cuisine • bookings • reservations • reviews

Menu Cuisine • Asian • Australian • Cafe • Bistro • Brazilian • Chinese • European • French • German • Greek • Indian • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Lebanese • Mediterranean • Mexican • Mongolian • Morrocan • Nepalese • Polish • Seafood • Steak • Thai • Vegetarian • Vietnamese

NSW Food Safety Ratings System • NSW Food Authority • NSW Food Act


Council Region

   2022 Tree Loppers Directory

Tree Loppers.net.au

2022 Directory of Arborists Tree Loppers & Tree Removal in Willoughby Council region

Consumer Guide for the Selection of a Tree Service Company or Arborist for the purposes of Tree Care & Maintenance • Tree Pruning • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding & Removal.

Willoughby Council TPO Tree Preservation Orders • Willoughby Council Application Forms • Tree Removal • Tree Lopping • Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding & Removal.

Willoughby Council TPO

   2022 Home Builders Directory by Local Council Region

Home Builders.net.au

Local Councils
AshfieldAuburnBankstownBaulkham HillsBlacktownBlue MountainsBotany BayBurwoodCamdenCampbelltownCanada BayCanterburyCessnockCity of SydneyFairfieldGosfordHawkesburyHolroydHornsbyHunters HillHurstvilleKiamaKogarahKu-ring-gaiLake MacquarieLane CoveLeichhardtLiverpoolMaitlandManlyMarrickvilleMosmanMuswellbrook ShireNewcastleNorth SydneyParramattaPenrithPittwaterRandwickRockdaleRydeShellharbourShoalhavenSingletonStrathfieldSutherland ShireWarringahWaverleyWilloughbyWingecarribeeWollondillyWollongongWoollahraWyong

   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – Same Family Business – Since 1964


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 for safe effective pest control of cockroachesantsbed bugsfleasratsmicespidersbeeswaspssilverfishbird proofingtermite inspection reportstermite controltermite barrierstermite baiting.

Remember: Subterranean termites are a highly destructive timber pest responsible for serious damage to homes in Australia • Home Insurance does NOT cover the cost of repairs.

A FUMAPEST Termite Inspection Report & Treatment Proposal costs $300 for average size home • comprehensive inspection and report • termite control options to AS 3660.


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email

Architects  Building Certifiers  Home Builders  Tree Loppers  Building Inspectors  Restaurant Food Guide

Home Builders.net.au | Wyong | KORDON Termite Barrier


Home Builders.net.au | Wyong | KORDON Termite Barrier





Home Builders.net.au • Wyong • KORDON Termite Barrier

  Home Builders when building a new home or ground level extensions must include a termite barrier in accordance with Building Code & Wyong Council Requirements.

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Wyong • explains why KORDON is the best termite barrier for installation into buildings during construction • together with notes on the destructive termite species in the Wyong Central Coast Region.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Master of Commerce UNSW • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • he served on the NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees AS.3660 & AS.4349.

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control has a NSW Licence to install KORDON Termite Barrier in buildings during construction. We also advise builders and their clientele on what is required to protect the property from termites and related legal liabilities.

Why KORDON is the best Termite Barrier for Buildings under construction

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Wyong has since 1998 installed KORDON Termite Barrier into thousands of buildings without a single termite problem provided simple maintenance requirements are undertaken by the home-owner.

KORDON provides long term termite protection for the Building owner – covered by Bayer 10 year warranty – the material should remain effective for 50 or more years – indeed for the expected life of the building.

Ease of Installation – minimum disruption – uniquelly flexible – strong robust product – light and easy to transport – it comes in standard lenghths – can be easily moulded or cut (sharp Stanley knife) and joined.

KORDON can be used in all situations – new homes – commercial buildings – extensions additions – freestanding – duplexes – brick venner – double brick – weatherboard – suspended concrete flooring – bearers and joists – termite capping and shielding – concrete slab on ground flooring – infill slabs – raft slabs – woffle pods – wall cavities – perimeter – plumbing penetrations – retaining walls

Health and safety of installers – KORDON is flexible with no sharp edges – the deltamethrin chemical in Kordon is sandwiched between two plastic sheets – highly repellent to termites if they come into contact with the external edge.

KORDON doubles as a moisture barrier whn installed as a termite barrier under entire slab on ground flooring – KORDON is installed on top of bedding sand before steel reinforcing mesh is laid.

KORDON is cost effective – as the product is easy and efficient to instal – has an excellent margin for error – is light to transport in bulk – and easy to load and unload – the cost is very competitive with inferior termite barrier products.

CodeMark Accredited KORDON has been extensively tested by the CSIRO, ABSAC, BCA and FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – and meets Wyong Council and BCA Requirements for termite control barriers installed during construction.

Quality Made Product – developed and manufactured by Bayer Australia to exacting standards.

For these reasons the KORDON Termite Barrier system is accepted by Wyong Council and meets the requirements of the Building Code of Australia and AS3660.1 the Termite Protection Standard for New Buildings.

KORDON Termite Barrier – How it Protects a Building from Termites

KORDON Termite Barrier forms an impenetrable barrier against subterranean termites, as they cannot enter the building without exposing themselves by regular periodic inspection.

KORDON Termite Barrier is made of a geotextile fibrous webbing containing a termiticide chemical, ie deltamethrin, which is sandwiched between 2 sheets of plastic. Deltamethrin is highly repellant to termites and will kill them on contact.

Unlike alternatives KORDON Termite Barrier is easy to install with a high margin for error.

KORDON repels or kills termites that attempt to go around or through the KORDON Termite Barrier in a wall cavity. The chemical contained in the fibrous webbibg in the KORDON Termite Barrier product (deltamethrin) is a highly effective termiticide tested by

Reliable: The KORDON Termite Barrier product has an an inherent confidence level not afforded by alternative products on the market. It really works. For this reason the KORDON Termite Barrier product is the preferred termite barrier product by leading home and commercial builders and specified by architects in all conditions across Australia.

KORDON Terrmite Barrier • Code Mark Accredited BCA • AS.3660 Compliant

KORDON Termite Barrier is a powerful termite and moisture barrier solution fully permitted in compliance with the Building Code of Australia. KORDON Termite Barrier has CSIRO-ABSAC Appraisal that it meets necessary performance requirements.

CodeMark accreditation is building product certification scheme set up by the Australian Building Codes Board. Building products and systems displaying the CodeMark logo have been assessed that they comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

Independently assessed CodeMark is an independent assessment under Government supervision. The building industry and consumers can be confident the results and statements are in their best interests.

BCA compliance: KORDON Termite Barrier complies with the BCA – Volume 1: BP1.1 and BP1.2 and Volume 2: P2.1, as these sections relate subterranean termite protection.

Advantages of the KORDON TMB as a Termite Moisture Barrier

Convenience for builders: It’s simple, yet ingenious design is uniquely suited to effective and efficient installation on a building site with minimum disruption and organisation by the head building contractor.

The average perimeter installation only takes a few hours and becomes an integral part of the building process.

Flexibility of application: KORDON Termite Barrier is sufficiently flexible to meet even the most difficult and complicated situations, such as, buildings with multiple penetrations or step downs. Kordon can be molded around unusual shapes and can quickly be cut and joined to form a continuous barrier.

Made Tough for Building Site Conditions: KORDON Termite Barrier is a robust product. It takes a sharp knife to cut Kordon, a blunt object has little chance of penetrating the product. If a hole is made accidentally, it can be easily repaired.

Consistency of Product: Each square metre of KORDON Termite Barrier contains a consistent rate of 1 gram of deltamethrin. Kordon is manufactured to strict quality guidelines and quality control procedures by Bayer Environmental Science.

Long Term Warranty: When correctly installed by a Bayer accredited installer, the KORDON Termite Barrier system provides a 10 year warranty backed by Bayer Environmental Science.

For the Life of the Building: Based on on-going research, trial results indicate KORDON Termite Barrier should provide termite protection for more than 50 years.

Environmentally Safe: Bayer has declared KORDON Termite Barrier to be harmless to people and allergy free product. KORDON Termite Barrier is recommended for primary schools and for aged care buildings. The deltamethrin chemical is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide – meaning it is modeled on the natural extract of the pyrethrum plant.

 Destructive Termites “white-ants” in the Wyong Central Coast Region

Subterranean termites or “white-ants” are a fascinating yet highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage to domestic and commercial buildings in the Wyong Central Coast Region.

Termites are a serious economic pest in the Wyong Council Region: We estimate about one quarter of all properties in the area will be seriously affected by subterranean termites. That’s why virtually all sales of homes in the Wyong Central Coast Region are subject to a Timber Pest Inspection Report to AS.4349 as part of the Contract of Sale.

Click here for details and identification tips on destructive termites white-ants in the Wyong Central Coast Region.

KORDON Termite Control Barrier • Articles • Links

Home Builders vs Termites – Article on Avoiding Legal Liabilities

KORDON Termite Barrier – CSIRO Appraisal – KORDON Physical Termite Barrier System

KORDON Termite Barrier – Consumer Information Brochure

KORDON Termite Barrier – Checklist – Builders Responsibility

KORDON Termite Barrier – Bayer Installation Manual

KORDON Termite Barrier – Product Safety Sheet

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – Concrete Slab – Bearers & Joists

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – External Perimeter

KORDON Termite Barrier – Example of Meter Box Sticker

KORDON Termite Barrier – Termites Fact Sheet – Biology & Distribution

Guide to Home Builders – Termite Issues – Australian Govt publication

Home Builders – Termite Control – Qld Building Services Authority

Australian Building Codes Board – Termite Control Requirements

Termites & Termite Control Services • Articles • Links

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF – Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

About FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Wyong … our credentials

APCA ... for Your Protection
  Same Family Business Since 1964FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a second generation family business. After almost 50 years of providing pest control in Wyong Council Region, we have a valuable reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARDFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award from NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for development of its EcoSafe Pest Control systems.

Accredited APCA MemberFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is an Accredited Member and major supporter of the Australian Pest Controllers Association Inc APCA since it’s incorporation in 1987.

Industry Stewardship • FUMAPEST Managing Director served on NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board and Standards Australia Committes for Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349.

Insurance DetailsFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control maintains public liability and professional indemnity insurances to cover personal injury and faulty workmanship of up to $20 million and $1 million respectively.

WARNING: The NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get a NSW Government EPA issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with EPA) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Wyong Central Coast Region


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email


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Alpine Designer Homes Pty Ltd | LANE COVE 2066 | Trade Links





Alpine Designer Homes Pty Ltd | LANE COVE NSW

Contact Details
Large Map
Licence Check
ABN Check
ASIC Check

Alpine Designer Homes Pty Ltd Unit 32A, 2 Chaplin Drive, LANE COVE NSW 2066

Web Links • Alpine Designer Homes Pty Ltd • Phone 9428 4777 • Fax 9428 4555 • Incorporated 28 Oct 2002 • ABN LinkASIC LinkNominated Supervisor Paul Leim2022 Home Builders Directory

   Willoughby Council • Home Building • DA Links


DA Development ApplicationsDCP Development Control PlanLEP Local Environmental PlanSec 94A Developer Contributions

Willoughby Council – Town Planning DeptPhoneFaxEmail

Willoughby Council Building Certifiers – Principal Certifying AuthorityWilloughby Council MeetingsHeritage ConservationArchitecture and HeritageExempt DevelopmentComplying Development CertificateBuilding CertificateConstruction CertificateOccupation CertificateSec 149 Planning Certificate

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading

Fair Trading.nsw.gov.au

Builders Licence CheckASIC SearchABN SearchDFT PublicationsConsumer GuidesBuilding ContractsHome Building TipsBuilding Check List.

Contact • NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 02 9895 0111 • Fax 02 9895 0222

Any person who carries out residential building work worth over $1,000 in labour and materials content without an appropriate licence is breaking the law and could be prosecuted.

   NSW Dept of Fair Trading • Accreditation of Building Certifiers


NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading role is to register building certifiers who possess appropriate tertiary qualifications • and to deregister a certifier for professional misconduct.

Contact • NSW Govt • Dept of Fair Trading • Phone 13 32 20

Consumer GuidesBuilding Certifier ResponsibilitiesBuilding Certifier Code of ConductBuilding Certifier Disciplinary RegisterBuilding Certifier Conflicts of InterestBuilding Certifier FormsBuilding Certfication Data Reporting

   2022 Architects Directory


Find Architects & Building Designers in Willoughby Council region • includes business name • name of registered principals • contact details • address • phone • email • website.

Includes a link search of listed Architects to Register of NSW Architects Registration Board

Consumer Guides • Working with a ARB Registered Architect • NSW Architects Registration Act 2003 & Regulations • NSW ARB Registered Architects Codes of Practice.

Willoughby Council

DA Development Application

  2022 Home Builders Directory • Willoughby Council Region

Home Builders.net.au

HomeBuilders.net.au published by FUMAPEST to
provide contact details of professional builders and website links to reliable
consumer protection advice and information • click here to apply for FREE listing.

Disclaimer & Feedback information contained in HomeBuilders.net.au
Directory may be inaccurate and need updating • we welcome any comments • suggestions for improvement • details of incorrect entries • please click
to email us

   2022 Building Certifiers Directory


Find Accredited Building Certifiers in the Willoughby Council Region • includes business name • individual building certifiers • contact details • address • phone • email

Consumer Guide: NSW Govt Building Professionals BoardRegister of Building CertifiersNSW Building Certifiers Code of Practice Accreditation as a Building Certifier in NSWWorking with a Building CertifierNSW Building Professionals Act 2005NSW Building Professionals Regulation 2007PublicationsNSW Dept of Fair Trading home building advice

   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control KORDON Termite Barrier for Builders


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 are termite and pest control specialists since 1964 in the Willoughby Council region • services include AS.3660 termite control barriers • termite baits • termite inspection reports • pest control services.

KORDON Termite Barrier is installed by FUMAPEST Termite Control during the construction of a building • made by Bayer Australia • CodeMark Accredited to meet BCA & Willoughby Council termite barrier building requirements • more details • click here

   Master Builders Association of NSW

MBA NSW.asn.au

Master Builders Association of NSW – formed in 1873 as Building and Contractors Association of NSW • The name changed to Master Builders Association of NSW in 1890 • Over 6,000 members.

Contact Details • Master Builders Association of NSW • Phone 02 8586 3555

Residential builders form a large proportion of the membership of the Master Builders Association of NSW. Many of the members are small to medium family businesses.

   Housing Industry Association


Housing Industry Association is Australia’s largest residential building organisation. Members include builders, trade contractors, design professionals, kitchen and bathroom specialists, manufacturers and suppliers.

Contact Details • Housing Industry Association • Phone NSW Office 02 6285 7300

Consumer Services • HIA develops and advocates policies regarding housing and renovations recognising the importance of the housing industry.

   Building Designers Association NSW

BDA NSW.com.au

Building Designers Association members are professionals involved in the design for residential, commercial or industrial projects.

Contact Details • Building Designers Association • Phone 02 4968 9985

Building Designers • Architectural Drafting Services do not require registration with NSW Architects Registration Board.

   2022 Restaurant Food GuideRecommended

Restaurant Food Guide.com.au

2022 Directory of Restaurants & Cafes in the Willoughby Council region • contact details • address • menu cuisine • bookings • reservations • reviews

Menu Cuisine • Asian • Australian • Cafe • Bistro • Brazilian • Chinese • European • French • German • Greek • Indian • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Lebanese • Mediterranean • Mexican • Mongolian • Morrocan • Nepalese • Polish • Seafood • Steak • Thai • Vegetarian • Vietnamese

NSW Food Safety Ratings System • NSW Food Authority • NSW Food Act


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   FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – Same Family Business – Since 1964


FUMAPEST Willoughby Pest Control 1300 241 500 for safe effective pest control of cockroachesantsbed bugsfleasratsmicespidersbeeswaspssilverfishbird proofingtermite inspection reportstermite controltermite barrierstermite baiting.

Remember: Subterranean termites are a highly destructive timber pest responsible for serious damage to homes in Australia • Home Insurance does NOT cover the cost of repairs.

A FUMAPEST Termite Inspection Report & Treatment Proposal costs $300 for average size home • comprehensive inspection and report • termite control options to AS 3660.


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Home Builders.net.au • Termites white-ants in Manly Sydney Metro Region


Home Builders.net.au • Termites white-ants in Manly Sydney Metro Region





Home Builders.net.au Termites white-ants in Manly Sydney Metro Region

  Home Builders when building a new home or ground level extensions must include a termite barrier in accordance with Building Code & Manly Council requirements.
In addition, home builders often find active termites during renovations when walls are remodelled or demolished. 

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite Control Manly • article on destructive termites in the Manly Sydney Metro region – their identification – destructive nature – usual nest location sites.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Master of Commerce UNSW • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • served on the NSW Govt Pest Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees AS.3660 & AS.4349.

FUMAPEST Termite Control Manly has NSW Licence to install KORDON Termite Barrier in buildings during construction and advise builders and their clientele on what is required to properly protect the building from termites.

Destructive Termites • white-ants • in the Manly Sydney Metro Region

Subterranean termites or “white-ants” are a fascinating yet highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage to domestic and commercial buildings in the Manly Sydney Metro Region.

Termites are a serious economic pest in the Manly Council Region: We estimate about one quarter of all properties in the area will be seriously affected by subterranean termites. That’s why virtually all sales of homes in the Manly Sydney Metro Region are subject to a Timber Pest Inspection Report to AS.4349 as part of the Contract of Sale.

Most homes are at high risk in the Manly Sydney Metro Region – particularly the medium to high density areas where well established gum trees are within a 100 metre radius of the building.
The wide use of landscaping timbers and garden mulch also dramatically increases the risk. Many of the older style homes, built low to the ground, with poor ventilation, are ripe for subterranean termite attack and should be protected by Termite Preventive Barrier to AS.3660 using Termidor soil treatment termiticide.

PROPER IDENTIFICATION IS ESSENTIAL Some species of subterranean termites prefer to attack living trees and will not eat dry seasoned timbers in a building, whilst others can be are highly destructive to such buildings in a short amount of time.

Coptotermes acinaciformis – common in Manly Sydney Metro Region particularly in built-up urban areas – under concrete on-ground flooring – areas where eucalypt gum trees are prevalent.

Highly Destructive – most widely distributed and destructive timber pest in the region – accounts for more than 70% of damage to buildings – a single colony may contain more than 1 million termites.

Nest LocationCoptotermes acinaciformis – very secretive termite species – build their nest out of sight, often within the base of eucalyptus or other susceptible trees, or completely under the ground – often within an enclosed patio or under concrete on ground flooring which is ideal for moisture retention, temperature and humidity control within the termite colony’s central nest.

Schedorhinotermes intermedius – often found in Manly Sydney Metro Region – they appear to gouge affected timber – soldiers contain a larger major 6mm length – minor soldier 4mm length.

Destructive NatureSchedorhinotermes intermedius are highly destructive to buildings and other timber structures. If mostly major (larger) soldiers are sighted, it is most likely a large colony with the potential to cause severe and rapid damage to structural timbers of a building and timber structures.

Nest LocationSchedorhinotermes intermedius commonly build their nest in tree stumps, in the root crown of living, dead or debilitated trees, under houses or within enclosed patios or other areas where timber is buried or stored in contact with the soil.

Coptotermes frenchi are found in the Manly Sydney Metro Region – particularly in built-up urban areas, where homes and buildings are constructed of softwood or oregon timber framing.

Highly Destructive – causing severe damage to buildings and other wooden structures – often devouring timber framing leaving behind only a hollowed out thin veneer.

Nest Location – Identification – they often build their nest in root crown or lower trunk area of living trees, particularly eucalypts – may build their nest as a mound in dryer areas – Coptotermes frenchi is an extremely shy termite – they will retreat from a location immediately, if disturbed.- the soldiers have a pear shaped head compared to a somewhat rectangular head of Coptotermes acinaciformis.

Nasutitermes exitiosus are commonly found in the Manly Sydney Metro Region and other areas of NSW – particularly in built-up urban areas or where eucalypt gum trees are highly prevalent.

Destructive Nature – Nasutitermes exitiosus are destructive to buildings and other timber structures. Sometimes severe damage may occur, but not so commonly as the other species listed above.

Nest LocationNasutitermes exitiosus build a mound nest which protrudes 30cm to 75cm above ground. The observed nest can be treated with Termidor Termiticide for total colony elimination.

Coptotermes lacteus are found in the Manly Sydney Metro Region and accross eastern NSW – particularly prevalent along the entire coast-line, along the Great Dividing Range and western slopes.

Destructive NatureCoptotermes lacteus attacks stumps, dead trees, timber fences, poles and other timber structures that are in contact with the soil, being softened by weathering or decay. These termites are also known to attack such timber in damp sub-floor areas.

Nest Location – this termite species, most often builds it’s nest as a mound up to 2m above ground level, with hard clay walls – to eradicate the colony – treat with Termidor Termiticide.

Nasutitermes walkeri are commonly found in the Manly Sydney Metro Region and other coastal and mountain regions along the eastern side of NSW.

Nasutitermes walkeri can be destructive to damp timbers often a serious problem where the sub-floor of a building is damp and ventilation is poor with resulting wood decay or fungal growth.

Nest LocationNasutitermes walkeri build a nest in trees on the main trunk or in fork of large branch.

Heterotermes ferox are commonly found in the Manly Sydney Metro Region particularly where eucalypt gum trees and damp decaying timber are highly prevalent.

Prefers Damp Decaying Timbers –  usually encountered attacking posts, poles, paling fences, timber decking and flooring – wherever weathering and decay are present – sometimes may cause severe damage to sound timbers – often confused with the more destructive Coptotermes acinaciformis.

Nest Location & Identification – a multi-nester – small subterranean nests – near stumps, rotting wood or nests of other species – do not range far from nest – do not have extensive gallery systems – leave affected timber with mottled appearance – soldiers 3.5 to 7.5mm – with a long rectangular head – no obvious teeth on dark mandibles – display a peculiar shuffle backwards when confronted.

Dampwood Termites form small independent nests which often attack sick or dead trees, decaying stumps or mould timber in the ground; they are seldom found in dry timbers in buildings.

Drywood Termites occur mostly in tropical areas, where atmospheric humidity is constantly above 75 percent. The introduced and highly destructive West Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis, is rarely located in NSW, once in Sydney in the early 1980’s. Specialist eradication procedures involve wrapping entire building in plastic and using methyl bromide fumigation.

Termites & Termite Control Services • Articles • PDF Links

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF – Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

KORDON Termite Barrier • Articles • Links

Home Builders vs Termites – article on Avoiding Legal Liabilities

Kordon Termite Barrier – CSIRO Appraisal – Kordon Physical Termite Barrier System

Kordon Termite Barrier – Checklist – Builders Responsibility

Kordon Termite Barrier – Bayer Installation Manual

Kordon Termite Barrier – Product Safety Sheet

Kordon Termite Barrier – Installation – Concrete Slab – Bearers & Joists

Kordon Termite Barrier – Installation – External Perimeter

Kordon Termite Barrier – Example of Meter Box Sticker

Kordon Termite Barrier – Termites Fact Sheet – Biology & Distribution

Guide to Home Builders – Termite Issues – Australian Govt publication

Home Builders – Termite Control – Qld Building Services Authority

Australian Building Codes Board – Termite Control Requirements

About FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Manly … our credentials

APCA ... for Your Protection
  Same Family Business Since 1964FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a second generation family business. After more than 50 years of providing pest control in Manly Council Region, we have a valuable reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARDFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award from NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for development of its EcoSafe Pest Control systems.

APCA Consumer AdvisorFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a major sponsor of the Australian Pest Control Association; regularly assisting APCA Secretariat in providing professional advice to consumers with pest control problems; pesticide safety issues; and pest control training courses in NSW.

Industry Stewardship • FUMAPEST Managing Director served on NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board and Standards Australia Committes for Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349.

Insurance DetailsFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control maintains public liability and professional indemnity insurances to cover personal injury and faulty workmanship of up to $20 million and $1 million respectively.

WARNING: The NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get a NSW Government WorkCover issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with WorkCover) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Manly Council Region


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