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Home • Newcastle NSW Termite Control Options


Home • Newcastle NSW Termite Control Options


    • Newcastle • Termite Control options

  Home Builders may find termites during building renovations and need to advise on termite control options for existing homes or buildings under construction in Newcastle Council Region.

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Newcastle • Article on Termite Control for Home-Owners • AS.3660 Termite Inspections • Termite Barriers • Termite Bait Products.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Bachelor of Arts (Macq) • Master of Commerce (UNSW) • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • served on NSW Govt Pest Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees.

Destructive Termites found in Newcastle Council region


Summary of Termite Control options • updated January 2022

HOME-OWNERS in the Newcastle Council region who find signs of termite activity inside their home have several options for professional protection from continued termite infestation and timber damage in the building.

Termite Inspection & Report to AS.3660 • firstly, a thorough inspection of all buildings and surrounds • with a written report to AS 3660 • covers areas inspected • evidence found of termite activity • high risk termite entry areas inaccessible to inspection • and termite control options and limitations.

AS 3660 Termite Barrier • Chemical Soil Treatment around the perimeter and sub-floor of a building • to eradicate termites attempting to gain entry into the building • a complete continuous barrier not always practicable • however this is best long term protection option available in most situations • the use of Termidor or Premise termiticide is highly recommended.

Termite Baiting • involves the installation and monitoring of termite bait stations containing NemesisExterra • or Sentricon Termite Bait • this method relies heavily on the subterranean termites “finding” and consuming sufficient termite bait • highly recommended in limited circumstances • where live termites are found and the ternite bait can be directly attached thereon.

Building Modification & Maintenance • termite risk reduction measures that can be carried out by the property owner • this may include • improving subfloor ventilation • removal of timber in contact with the soil • improving inspection access areas.

Subsequent Inspection & Report to AS.3660Essential • at least at every 3 to 6 months intervals in high risk situations • such as, where signs of termite activity have previously been located closeby susceptible buildings or timber structures.

Termite Inspection & Report • Australian Standard 3660

A Termite Inspection & Report involves a thorough inspection of the buildings and surrounds • a written inspection report on evidence found of termites and termite activity • details of any high risk termite entry points that are inacccessible to inspection • and specifications to AS.3660 for an integrated termite control program • the inspection and report should be received and considered in detail before any protective measures are commenced.

The cost of a Termite Inspection Report to AS.3660 is approx $300 for an average size residential building • depending upon size and style of construction • ease of inspection access • and the time involved in conducting a proper inspection.

termites in your house? Specific areas inspected include all accessible timbers within the crawl space in the sub-floor • roof void area • interior • exterior • garden landscaping • fences • and where practicable any other timber structures and trees within a 50 metre radius of the buiklding.

Termatrac termite detection equipment is used where we know or suspect that a termite sub-nest is present inside the wall cavities of the building.

AS.3660 Termite Preventive Barriers • Chemical Soil Treatments

Home Insurance does NOT cover termite damage to structural or other timbers inside a residential or commercial property, which could be severe • the replacement cost of termite infested structural timbers in the roof and wall may exceed $50,000.

FUMAPEST has Professional indemnity insurance to cover future termite damage to structural and decorative timbers in a building after we have carried out a complete Termidor soil treatment service to AS 3660 • FUMAPEST highly recommends the use of Termidor Soil Treatrment Termiticide as the most effective termite protection product commercially available in Australia.

Termites in the Building at the time of AS 3660 Soil Treatrment • cannot safely return to their central colony nest through the chemically treated soil • termites usually need to return every few days to their central underground nest to obtain moisture essential for their survival and to feed and groom other termites • the king • queen • reproductives • soldiers • young nymphs.

Expert Knowledge and specialised equipment is required to form a complete and continuous barrier arund the building in order to to protect the building from a termite entry and infestation as illustrated below:

Trench and Treat

Crawl Spaces foundation wall

Planter boxes or other parts

Trench and treat soil with Termidor around

external concrete slab edge


Trench and treat soil around walls

and piers in the sub-floor area

with Termidor Termiticide

Use rod injection to treat soil

along and around the external

perimeter areas of the building

Treat cracks, expansion joints

Pipes and utility lines

Soils beneath  porches

Drill concrete floor along all

expansion joints and cracks

and treat soil thereunder

Drill concrete floor around pipes

and treat soil thereunder with

Termidor Termiticide

Drill concrete patio areas and treat

soil area therein – a HIGH RISK

Termite nest location

termites can build a sub-nest in a wall cavity of a home Termites sometimes nest inside a building • in a roof or wall cavity where moisture is supplied • such as, from faulty plumbing • leaking shower recess • broken roof tiles • or faulty guttering, allowing water into a wall cavity.

Termatrac termite detection equipment is used by FUMAPEST where we suspect a termite sub-nest is present inside a wall cavity in the building.

Micro-wave technology embodied in the Termatrac equipment enables accurate detection of termite movement and activity inside a wall cavity.

Pesticide Safety Issues • Soil Treatment Termiticides

Termite Control Chemicals are required to be assessed and approved by Federal Govt APVMA • for example • approved termiticides include • Termidor • Premise • Biflex • Dursban. Some approved termiticides include an organo-phosphate pesticide emulsified with xylene a solvent based chemical.

Modern Technologies • Termidor and Premise are NOT in the organo-chlorine or organo-phosphate pesticide group. Both Termidor and Premise are highly effective at termite colony elimination.

Solvent based termiticides are NOT used by FUMAPEST even though they are much cheaper. Solvent based termiticides are known in certain circumstances to cause health problems for people with asthmatic or bronchial ailments. We recommend Termidor for safety and long term effectiveness.

Water basedTermidor and Premise are water based • with virtually no smell and of ultra-low hazard to humans, dogs, cats and other mammals.

No fumes whatsoever • Termidor and Premise do NOT have an obnoxious odour or emit airborne residues or fumes. Both are registered by Federal Govt AVPMA as a low hazard insecticide with a CAUTION notation on the registered label. Termidor is manufactured by BASF and Premise by Bayer.

Fipronil the active ingredient in Termidor is also used in Frontline the flea and tick control product used on millions of cats and dogs in Australia and the USA, without any health issues arising.

Dursban & Biflex have a strong repellency action • the termites can detect the chemical and so avoid it • they can easily move along the perimeter of the treated soil areas, actively seeking a gap to gain entry into the building • In cases where it is virtually certain of installing a completely uniform and continuous barrier, the use of either Dursban or Biflex termiticide may be sufficient.

Non-repellant TermiticidesTermidor and Premise are much more certain and effective, in that the termites cannot avoid what they cannot detect • the chemical adheres to the skin of the worker termites or they ingest it when tunneling through treated soil areas.

Termidor & Premise • exhibit a delayed lethal effect on affected termites of several days • enough time for the fipronil chemical to be spread around the colony nest by the termites mutual feeding and grooming habit • with sufficient consumption of the chemical, the entire colony is eliminated.

Scientifically ProvenTermidor and Premise are scientifically proven as being readily transferred from one affected termite to another • the technology is aimed at eradicating the entire colony • the mode of action is illustrated below.

FUMAPEST provide a 6 YEAR WARRANTY for a complete Termidor Soil Treatment to AS.3660 • subject to annual inspection regime Termidor Treatment Cost is usually between $2,000 to $4,000.

Termites tunneling in the Premise or Termidor treated soil area abutting the building (of high concentration • near the point of application) are killed outright.

Termites tunneling in outer zone of Premise or Termidor treated soil area (low concentration) will not detect the chemical which adheres to their bodies and has a delayed lethal effect of a few days • enough time for transfer to central nest.

The affected termites return to the central colony nest and spread the Termidor to other termites therein during regular physical contact • grooming and feeding of other termites • termites start dying enmasse • termites will cannibalize dead termites • further spreading the lethal effect of the Termidor termiticide throughout the colony.

Termite Baits • Termite Baiting Systems • Advantages & Limitations

Termite Baits registered in Australia by Federal Govt APVMA are Nemesis – Exterra – Sentricon & Termitrix Termite Baits.

FUMAPEST uses Nemesis & Termitrix Termite Baiting Systems • the Australian owned and developed products • both Exterra and Sentricon are USA owned termite bait products.

Termite Baiting Systems consist of a number of plastic bait stations for in-ground and above-ground installation where active termites have been located, together with termite bait chemical.

Nemesis & Termitrix Termite Bait contain the chemical chlorfluazuron • an IGR insect growth regulator.

How the NEMESIS Termite Bait works: once they find the bait the worker termites readily eat it • they reguritate the termite bait to feed other termites in the central colony nest • termites must regularly shed and regrow their outer-skeleton • the IGR stops this regrowth and they die shortly thereafter • the worker termites cannibalise other dead termites further spreading its lethal effect throughout the termite colony • with sufficient termite bait consumption the entire termite colony is eradicated.

Regular monitoring is required • the use of Termite Baits must be subject to regular inspection and monitoring by the termite controller • the more termite bait consumed, the quicker and more certain is the termite colony elimination process.

FUMAPEST Policy is to attach the termite bait directly over known live termite activity areas • the rate and amount of consumption is monitored for several weeks • and if practicable thereafter, a complete chemical soil barrier treatment using Termidor Termiticide be applied around the perimeter of the building and other high risk entry points.

exterra-termite-bait-station LIMITATIONS of Termite BaitingBe Careful • many pest control companies sell a termite “monitoring” system of plastic boxes (timber inside) inserted in the soil around the external perimeter of a building • to be effective this assumes the termites will “find” the stations, infest the timber therein and then termite bait added • termites are blind • travel in underground tunnels • are more likely to enter your home – a far bigger food source to find than little plastic boxes in the ground.

Termites have acute survival instincts • too much disturbance of the foraging termites (workers and soldiers) in a particular location, this may well alert the termite colony to abandon the immediate area • they appear to be gone, but may be entering the building in other areas inaccessible to inspection. It is often difficult to be confident the termite colony has in fact been eradicated.

Termite Baiting is sometimes unreliable • Termite colony elimination in favourable circumstances may take several weeks to a few months • in some cases, termite colony elimination is unsuccessful or may take years.

It depends if sufficient termite bait is consumed by a large number of termites • then colony elimination is virtually assured within a few months • the experience and skill of the pest controller is paramount, in order to properly decide if and where a baiting program is to be implemented and properly monitored.

Proper Termite Baiting can be Expensive as it is usual to reinspect the bait stations, the building and surrounds every month to reposition, reapply or replenish the termite bait • this process is labour intensive so that the long term cost of the monitoring and baiting system may accumulate out of hand before the chance of success or otherwise, is realised.

Consumer note • some pest controllers offer termite baiting at ridiculously low prices that does not cover direct materials and labour • they collect all the money upfront for future inspections • and dissappear • or they fail to advise that a Termite Preventive Barrier to AS.3660 is the best long term option • BEWARE the NSW Govt WorkCover Pest Control Licensing system in NSW is inadequate. Some individuals have a NSW Pest Control Licence with little training or experience … more details below.

Ring the Experts: Dont bet your house on a DIY Termite Control Solution • successful termite protection of a building using a baiting program often requires expert skill and judgment, based upon years of field-work experience in termite control in a wide variety of circumstances.

Live termites found? • Remember • one critical aspect is that the bait stations only be to installed in areas where live activity is found • otherwise the termites must blindly “find” the stations to have any chance of widespread termite bait consumption and successful termite colony elimination.

No absolute guarantee: With a termite baiting program, there can be no absolute guarantee of long-term protection of nearby buildings • there may be other termite nests nearby the building that do not find the bait stations.

Your home is a much bigger target • other termite nests may exist in trees, under concrete on-ground flooring and in-fill patios of neighboring properties • and be unaffected by the baiting program • even if termites happen to find the “in-ground monitoring” stations and when bait is added this may disturb the termites so they avoid the in-ground bait station, entirely.

FUMAPEST Policy is to apply the termite bait directly onto known live termite activity areas • the rate and amount of consumption is monitored for several weeks • and if practicable thereafter, a complete chemical soil barrier treatment using Termidor Termiticide be applied around the perimeter of the building and other high risk entry points.

An Integrated Approach: A termite baiting program should be part of range of options including • drilling susceptible trees and eradication of any termite nest located therein, and • follow up chemical soil treatment using Termidor or Premise.

FUMAPEST provides a 6 year warranty for a complete Termite Preventive Barrier Soil Treatment to AS.3660 using Termidor Termiticide • subject to an annual inspection regime • such a Termidor Treatment Cost is usually between $2,000 to $4,000.

Home Owner recommendations • Building Modifications & Maintenance

Listed below are some useful recommendations for the home-owner to carry out in order to help reduce the risk of undetected termite activity inside a building.

Rapid termite colony development and building infestation is usually associated with a readily available timber food and moisture source nearby the central nest. Buildings are often constructed in a way that allow termites to gain undetectable entry from the soil to the structural timbers of the building.

(1) Moisture exclusion from inside the wall cavities, around the base of the building and sub-floor area. Exclude excessive water run-off from a sub-floor area by the installation of ag-drains. Ensure adequate cross flow ventilation in the sub-floor area.

A qualified plumber should ensure there is no water leakage from plumbing pipes in bathroom, shower recess, kitchen, down pipes, guttering and air conditioning overflow. Look for dampness in wall cavities, broken roof tiles, faulty guttering and the like. Hiigh humidity, dampness or moisture accumulating in a wall cavity encourages large scale termite activity inside the building.

(2) Removal of any timber in contact with the soil. Timbers should be stored above ground level to allow full inspection for termite activity. Any landscaping using timber chip mulch and railway sleepers should be removed, as they provide ready food source to assist in rapid termite colony development.

(3) Ensure inspection access is unimpeded, particularly in sub-floor areas of suspended floors, in order to look for evidence of termite activity. If your home is on concrete slab on-ground flooring, make sure you can inspect the entire external slab edge for evidence of termite mud-shelter tubes. Do NOT allow this area to be covered by pavers, landscaping, planter pots, etc, as termites often gain entry into the wall cavity through external weep holes and gaps in the mortar of brick-work.

If you find live termites DO NOT disturb the area. DO NOT use spray insecticides on the termites. If sufficiently disturbed, the termites may move elsewhere and not be rediscovered until severe damage has been done. The termite controller can install a termite bait on the termite activity area to maximise bait consumption by the termites and elimination of the entire colony.

Regular follow-up • Termite Inspections & Monitoring

 finding termites AS.3660 Requires Follow-up Inspections after the installation of a chemical soil barrier to AS.3660 be carried out at least 3 to 6 monthly intervals where the termite risk is high.

FUMAPEST Policy is usually to recommend 3 or 6 monthly inspections be carried for the first 24 months following a chemical soil treatment. If all seems OK then annually thereafter.

FUMAPEST Professional Indemnity Insurance covers subsequent termite damage provided a complete soil treatment and follow-up inspections are carried out to AS.3660.

Don’t Risk – DIY Termite Control • this is a job for the professionals • the correct identification of a destructive termite species • inspection of a building for tell-tale signs • analysis of your circumstances and the design and implementation of an effective program for the protection of a building from termite infestations • requires expert skill and judgment based upon professional training and extensive field-work experience in termite control in a wide variety of circumstances.

Termites and Termite Control PDFs

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

WARNING: The NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately • it is far too easy to get a NSW Government WorkCover issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW WorkCover Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with WorkCover) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Newcastle Council Region


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email


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Home | Auburn | KORDON Termite Barrier


Home | Auburn | KORDON Termite Barrier





Home • Auburn • KORDON Termite Barrier

  Home Builders when building a new home or ground level extensions must include a termite barrier in accordance with Building Code & Auburn Council Requirements.

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Auburn • explains why KORDON is the best termite barrier for installation into buildings during construction • together with notes on the destructive termite species in the Auburn Sydney Metro Region.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Master of Commerce UNSW • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • he served on the NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees AS.3660 & AS.4349.

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control has a NSW Licence to install KORDON Termite Barrier in buildings during construction. We also advise builders and their clientele on what is required to protect the property from termites and related legal liabilities.

Why KORDON is the best Termite Barrier for Buildings under construction

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Auburn has since 1998 installed KORDON Termite Barrier into thousands of buildings without a single termite problem provided simple maintenance requirements are undertaken by the home-owner.

KORDON provides long term termite protection for the Building owner – covered by Bayer 10 year warranty – the material should remain effective for 50 or more years – indeed for the expected life of the building.

Ease of Installation – minimum disruption – uniquelly flexible – strong robust product – light and easy to transport – it comes in standard lenghths – can be easily moulded or cut (sharp Stanley knife) and joined.

KORDON can be used in all situations – new homes – commercial buildings – extensions additions – freestanding – duplexes – brick venner – double brick – weatherboard – suspended concrete flooring – bearers and joists – termite capping and shielding – concrete slab on ground flooring – infill slabs – raft slabs – woffle pods – wall cavities – perimeter – plumbing penetrations – retaining walls

Health and safety of installers – KORDON is flexible with no sharp edges – the deltamethrin chemical in Kordon is sandwiched between two plastic sheets – highly repellent to termites if they come into contact with the external edge.

KORDON doubles as a moisture barrier whn installed as a termite barrier under entire slab on ground flooring – KORDON is installed on top of bedding sand before steel reinforcing mesh is laid.

KORDON is cost effective – as the product is easy and efficient to instal – has an excellent margin for error – is light to transport in bulk – and easy to load and unload – the cost is very competitive with inferior termite barrier products.

CodeMark Accredited KORDON has been extensively tested by the CSIRO, ABSAC, BCA and FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – and meets Auburn Council and BCA Requirements for termite control barriers installed during construction.

Quality Made Product – developed and manufactured by Bayer Australia to exacting standards.

For these reasons the KORDON Termite Barrier system is accepted by Auburn Council and meets the requirements of the Building Code of Australia and AS3660.1 the Termite Protection Standard for New Buildings.

KORDON Termite Barrier – How it Protects a Building from Termites

KORDON Termite Barrier forms an impenetrable barrier against subterranean termites, as they cannot enter the building without exposing themselves by regular periodic inspection.

KORDON Termite Barrier is made of a geotextile fibrous webbing containing a termiticide chemical, ie deltamethrin, which is sandwiched between 2 sheets of plastic. Deltamethrin is highly repellant to termites and will kill them on contact.

Unlike alternatives KORDON Termite Barrier is easy to install with a high margin for error.

KORDON repels or kills termites that attempt to go around or through the KORDON Termite Barrier in a wall cavity. The chemical contained in the fibrous webbibg in the KORDON Termite Barrier product (deltamethrin) is a highly effective termiticide tested by

Reliable: The KORDON Termite Barrier product has an an inherent confidence level not afforded by alternative products on the market. It really works. For this reason the KORDON Termite Barrier product is the preferred termite barrier product by leading home and commercial builders and specified by architects in all conditions across Australia.

KORDON Terrmite Barrier • Code Mark Accredited BCA • AS.3660 Compliant

KORDON Termite Barrier is a powerful termite and moisture barrier solution fully permitted in compliance with the Building Code of Australia. KORDON Termite Barrier has CSIRO-ABSAC Appraisal that it meets necessary performance requirements.

CodeMark accreditation is building product certification scheme set up by the Australian Building Codes Board. Building products and systems displaying the CodeMark logo have been assessed that they comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

Independently assessed CodeMark is an independent assessment under Government supervision. The building industry and consumers can be confident the results and statements are in their best interests.

BCA compliance: KORDON Termite Barrier complies with the BCA – Volume 1: BP1.1 and BP1.2 and Volume 2: P2.1, as these sections relate subterranean termite protection.

Advantages of the KORDON TMB as a Termite Moisture Barrier

Convenience for builders: It’s simple, yet ingenious design is uniquely suited to effective and efficient installation on a building site with minimum disruption and organisation by the head building contractor.

The average perimeter installation only takes a few hours and becomes an integral part of the building process.

Flexibility of application: KORDON Termite Barrier is sufficiently flexible to meet even the most difficult and complicated situations, such as, buildings with multiple penetrations or step downs. Kordon can be molded around unusual shapes and can quickly be cut and joined to form a continuous barrier.

Made Tough for Building Site Conditions: KORDON Termite Barrier is a robust product. It takes a sharp knife to cut Kordon, a blunt object has little chance of penetrating the product. If a hole is made accidentally, it can be easily repaired.

Consistency of Product: Each square metre of KORDON Termite Barrier contains a consistent rate of 1 gram of deltamethrin. Kordon is manufactured to strict quality guidelines and quality control procedures by Bayer Environmental Science.

Long Term Warranty: When correctly installed by a Bayer accredited installer, the KORDON Termite Barrier system provides a 10 year warranty backed by Bayer Environmental Science.

For the Life of the Building: Based on on-going research, trial results indicate KORDON Termite Barrier should provide termite protection for more than 50 years.

Environmentally Safe: Bayer has declared KORDON Termite Barrier to be harmless to people and allergy free product. KORDON Termite Barrier is recommended for primary schools and for aged care buildings. The deltamethrin chemical is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide – meaning it is modeled on the natural extract of the pyrethrum plant.

 Destructive Termites “white-ants” in the Auburn Sydney Metro Region

Subterranean termites or “white-ants” are a fascinating yet highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage to domestic and commercial buildings in the Auburn Sydney Metro Region.

Termites are a serious economic pest in the Auburn Council Region: We estimate about one quarter of all properties in the area will be seriously affected by subterranean termites. That’s why virtually all sales of homes in the Auburn Sydney Metro Region are subject to a Timber Pest Inspection Report to AS.4349 as part of the Contract of Sale.

Click here for details and identification tips on destructive termites white-ants in the Auburn Sydney Metro Region.

KORDON Termite Control Barrier • Articles • Links

Home Builders vs Termites – Article on Avoiding Legal Liabilities

KORDON Termite Barrier – CSIRO Appraisal – KORDON Physical Termite Barrier System

KORDON Termite Barrier – Consumer Information Brochure

KORDON Termite Barrier – Checklist – Builders Responsibility

KORDON Termite Barrier – Bayer Installation Manual

KORDON Termite Barrier – Product Safety Sheet

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – Concrete Slab – Bearers & Joists

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – External Perimeter

KORDON Termite Barrier – Example of Meter Box Sticker

KORDON Termite Barrier – Termites Fact Sheet – Biology & Distribution

Guide to Home Builders – Termite Issues – Australian Govt publication

Home Builders – Termite Control – Qld Building Services Authority

Australian Building Codes Board – Termite Control Requirements

Termites & Termite Control Services • Articles • Links

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF – Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

About FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Auburn … our credentials

APCA ... for Your Protection
  Same Family Business Since 1964FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a second generation family business. After almost 50 years of providing pest control in Auburn Council Region, we have a valuable reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARDFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award from NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for development of its EcoSafe Pest Control systems.

Accredited APCA MemberFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is an Accredited Member and major supporter of the Australian Pest Controllers Association Inc APCA since it’s incorporation in 1987.

Industry Stewardship • FUMAPEST Managing Director served on NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board and Standards Australia Committes for Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349.

Insurance DetailsFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control maintains public liability and professional indemnity insurances to cover personal injury and faulty workmanship of up to $20 million and $1 million respectively.

WARNING: The NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get a NSW Government EPA issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with EPA) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Auburn Sydney Metro Region


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email


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Home | Marrickville | KORDON Termite Barrier


Home | Marrickville | KORDON Termite Barrier





Home • Marrickville • KORDON Termite Barrier

  Home Builders when building a new home or ground level extensions must include a termite barrier in accordance with Building Code & Marrickville Council Requirements.

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Marrickville • explains why KORDON is the best termite barrier for installation into buildings during construction • together with notes on the destructive termite species in the Marrickville Sydney Metro Region.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Master of Commerce UNSW • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • he served on the NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees AS.3660 & AS.4349.

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control has a NSW Licence to install KORDON Termite Barrier in buildings during construction. We also advise builders and their clientele on what is required to protect the property from termites and related legal liabilities.

Why KORDON is the best Termite Barrier for Buildings under construction

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Marrickville has since 1998 installed KORDON Termite Barrier into thousands of buildings without a single termite problem provided simple maintenance requirements are undertaken by the home-owner.

KORDON provides long term termite protection for the Building owner – covered by Bayer 10 year warranty – the material should remain effective for 50 or more years – indeed for the expected life of the building.

Ease of Installation – minimum disruption – uniquelly flexible – strong robust product – light and easy to transport – it comes in standard lenghths – can be easily moulded or cut (sharp Stanley knife) and joined.

KORDON can be used in all situations – new homes – commercial buildings – extensions additions – freestanding – duplexes – brick venner – double brick – weatherboard – suspended concrete flooring – bearers and joists – termite capping and shielding – concrete slab on ground flooring – infill slabs – raft slabs – woffle pods – wall cavities – perimeter – plumbing penetrations – retaining walls

Health and safety of installers – KORDON is flexible with no sharp edges – the deltamethrin chemical in Kordon is sandwiched between two plastic sheets – highly repellent to termites if they come into contact with the external edge.

KORDON doubles as a moisture barrier whn installed as a termite barrier under entire slab on ground flooring – KORDON is installed on top of bedding sand before steel reinforcing mesh is laid.

KORDON is cost effective – as the product is easy and efficient to instal – has an excellent margin for error – is light to transport in bulk – and easy to load and unload – the cost is very competitive with inferior termite barrier products.

CodeMark Accredited KORDON has been extensively tested by the CSIRO, ABSAC, BCA and FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – and meets Marrickville Council and BCA Requirements for termite control barriers installed during construction.

Quality Made Product – developed and manufactured by Bayer Australia to exacting standards.

For these reasons the KORDON Termite Barrier system is accepted by Marrickville Council and meets the requirements of the Building Code of Australia and AS3660.1 the Termite Protection Standard for New Buildings.

KORDON Termite Barrier – How it Protects a Building from Termites

KORDON Termite Barrier forms an impenetrable barrier against subterranean termites, as they cannot enter the building without exposing themselves by regular periodic inspection.

KORDON Termite Barrier is made of a geotextile fibrous webbing containing a termiticide chemical, ie deltamethrin, which is sandwiched between 2 sheets of plastic. Deltamethrin is highly repellant to termites and will kill them on contact.

Unlike alternatives KORDON Termite Barrier is easy to install with a high margin for error.

KORDON repels or kills termites that attempt to go around or through the KORDON Termite Barrier in a wall cavity. The chemical contained in the fibrous webbibg in the KORDON Termite Barrier product (deltamethrin) is a highly effective termiticide tested by

Reliable: The KORDON Termite Barrier product has an an inherent confidence level not afforded by alternative products on the market. It really works. For this reason the KORDON Termite Barrier product is the preferred termite barrier product by leading home and commercial builders and specified by architects in all conditions across Australia.

KORDON Terrmite Barrier • Code Mark Accredited BCA • AS.3660 Compliant

KORDON Termite Barrier is a powerful termite and moisture barrier solution fully permitted in compliance with the Building Code of Australia. KORDON Termite Barrier has CSIRO-ABSAC Appraisal that it meets necessary performance requirements.

CodeMark accreditation is building product certification scheme set up by the Australian Building Codes Board. Building products and systems displaying the CodeMark logo have been assessed that they comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

Independently assessed CodeMark is an independent assessment under Government supervision. The building industry and consumers can be confident the results and statements are in their best interests.

BCA compliance: KORDON Termite Barrier complies with the BCA – Volume 1: BP1.1 and BP1.2 and Volume 2: P2.1, as these sections relate subterranean termite protection.

Advantages of the KORDON TMB as a Termite Moisture Barrier

Convenience for builders: It’s simple, yet ingenious design is uniquely suited to effective and efficient installation on a building site with minimum disruption and organisation by the head building contractor.

The average perimeter installation only takes a few hours and becomes an integral part of the building process.

Flexibility of application: KORDON Termite Barrier is sufficiently flexible to meet even the most difficult and complicated situations, such as, buildings with multiple penetrations or step downs. Kordon can be molded around unusual shapes and can quickly be cut and joined to form a continuous barrier.

Made Tough for Building Site Conditions: KORDON Termite Barrier is a robust product. It takes a sharp knife to cut Kordon, a blunt object has little chance of penetrating the product. If a hole is made accidentally, it can be easily repaired.

Consistency of Product: Each square metre of KORDON Termite Barrier contains a consistent rate of 1 gram of deltamethrin. Kordon is manufactured to strict quality guidelines and quality control procedures by Bayer Environmental Science.

Long Term Warranty: When correctly installed by a Bayer accredited installer, the KORDON Termite Barrier system provides a 10 year warranty backed by Bayer Environmental Science.

For the Life of the Building: Based on on-going research, trial results indicate KORDON Termite Barrier should provide termite protection for more than 50 years.

Environmentally Safe: Bayer has declared KORDON Termite Barrier to be harmless to people and allergy free product. KORDON Termite Barrier is recommended for primary schools and for aged care buildings. The deltamethrin chemical is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide – meaning it is modeled on the natural extract of the pyrethrum plant.

 Destructive Termites “white-ants” in the Marrickville Sydney Metro Region

Subterranean termites or “white-ants” are a fascinating yet highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage to domestic and commercial buildings in the Marrickville Sydney Metro Region.

Termites are a serious economic pest in the Marrickville Council Region: We estimate about one quarter of all properties in the area will be seriously affected by subterranean termites. That’s why virtually all sales of homes in the Marrickville Sydney Metro Region are subject to a Timber Pest Inspection Report to AS.4349 as part of the Contract of Sale.

Click here for details and identification tips on destructive termites white-ants in the Marrickville Sydney Metro Region.

KORDON Termite Control Barrier • Articles • Links

Home Builders vs Termites – Article on Avoiding Legal Liabilities

KORDON Termite Barrier – CSIRO Appraisal – KORDON Physical Termite Barrier System

KORDON Termite Barrier – Consumer Information Brochure

KORDON Termite Barrier – Checklist – Builders Responsibility

KORDON Termite Barrier – Bayer Installation Manual

KORDON Termite Barrier – Product Safety Sheet

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – Concrete Slab – Bearers & Joists

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – External Perimeter

KORDON Termite Barrier – Example of Meter Box Sticker

KORDON Termite Barrier – Termites Fact Sheet – Biology & Distribution

Guide to Home Builders – Termite Issues – Australian Govt publication

Home Builders – Termite Control – Qld Building Services Authority

Australian Building Codes Board – Termite Control Requirements

Termites & Termite Control Services • Articles • Links

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF – Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

About FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Marrickville … our credentials

APCA ... for Your Protection
  Same Family Business Since 1964FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a second generation family business. After almost 50 years of providing pest control in Marrickville Council Region, we have a valuable reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARDFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award from NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for development of its EcoSafe Pest Control systems.

Accredited APCA MemberFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is an Accredited Member and major supporter of the Australian Pest Controllers Association Inc APCA since it’s incorporation in 1987.

Industry Stewardship • FUMAPEST Managing Director served on NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board and Standards Australia Committes for Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349.

Insurance DetailsFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control maintains public liability and professional indemnity insurances to cover personal injury and faulty workmanship of up to $20 million and $1 million respectively.

WARNING: The NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get a NSW Government EPA issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with EPA) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Marrickville Sydney Metro Region


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email


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2022 Home Builders • Home Builders in the Greater Sydney Region


2022 Home Builders Directory

Ashfield Maitland
Auburn Manly
Bankstown Marrickville
Blacktown Muswellbrook
Burwood Parramatta
Camden Penrith
Campbelltown Pittwater
Canterbury Rockdale
Cessnock Ryde
Fairfield Shellharbour
Gosford Shoalhaven
Hawkesbury Singleton
Holroyd Strathfield
Hornsby Sutherland
Hurstville Warringah
Kiama Waverley
Kogarah Wingecarribee
Ku-ring-gai Willoughby
Leichhardt Woollahra
Liverpool Wyong

Ashfield Botany Bay Cessnock Hunters Hill Lane Cove Mosman Pittwater Singleton Wingecarribee
Auburn Burwood Fairfield Hurstville Leichhardt Muswellbrook Randwick Strathfield Willoughby
Bankstown Camden Gosford Kiama Liverpool Newcastle Rockdale Sutherland Shire Wollondilly
Baulkham Hills Campbelltown Hawkesbury Kogarah Maitland North Sydney Ryde Sydney City Wollongong
Blacktown Canada Bay Holroyd Ku-ring-gai Manly Parramatta Shellharbour Warringah Woollahra
Blue Mountains Canterbury Hornsby Lake Macquarie Marrickville Penrith Shoalhaven Waverley Wyong

Copyright © Fumapest Group – 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 – Phone 9722 9001 – –

Home | Woollahra | KORDON Termite Barrier


Home | Woollahra | KORDON Termite Barrier





Home • Woollahra • KORDON Termite Barrier

  Home Builders when building a new home or ground level extensions must include a termite barrier in accordance with Building Code & Woollahra Council Requirements.

Glenn DuBois of FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Woollahra • explains why KORDON is the best termite barrier for installation into buildings during construction • together with notes on the destructive termite species in the Woollahra Sydney Metro Region.

Glenn DuBois is Technical Director at FUMAPEST • Secretary of Australian Pest Control Association • Master of Commerce UNSW • TAFE Urban Pest Control Certificate • he served on the NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board & Standards Australia Termite Control Committees AS.3660 & AS.4349.

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control has a NSW Licence to install KORDON Termite Barrier in buildings during construction. We also advise builders and their clientele on what is required to protect the property from termites and related legal liabilities.

Why KORDON is the best Termite Barrier for Buildings under construction

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Woollahra has since 1998 installed KORDON Termite Barrier into thousands of buildings without a single termite problem provided simple maintenance requirements are undertaken by the home-owner.

KORDON provides long term termite protection for the Building owner – covered by Bayer 10 year warranty – the material should remain effective for 50 or more years – indeed for the expected life of the building.

Ease of Installation – minimum disruption – uniquelly flexible – strong robust product – light and easy to transport – it comes in standard lenghths – can be easily moulded or cut (sharp Stanley knife) and joined.

KORDON can be used in all situations – new homes – commercial buildings – extensions additions – freestanding – duplexes – brick venner – double brick – weatherboard – suspended concrete flooring – bearers and joists – termite capping and shielding – concrete slab on ground flooring – infill slabs – raft slabs – woffle pods – wall cavities – perimeter – plumbing penetrations – retaining walls

Health and safety of installers – KORDON is flexible with no sharp edges – the deltamethrin chemical in Kordon is sandwiched between two plastic sheets – highly repellent to termites if they come into contact with the external edge.

KORDON doubles as a moisture barrier whn installed as a termite barrier under entire slab on ground flooring – KORDON is installed on top of bedding sand before steel reinforcing mesh is laid.

KORDON is cost effective – as the product is easy and efficient to instal – has an excellent margin for error – is light to transport in bulk – and easy to load and unload – the cost is very competitive with inferior termite barrier products.

CodeMark Accredited KORDON has been extensively tested by the CSIRO, ABSAC, BCA and FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control – and meets Woollahra Council and BCA Requirements for termite control barriers installed during construction.

Quality Made Product – developed and manufactured by Bayer Australia to exacting standards.

For these reasons the KORDON Termite Barrier system is accepted by Woollahra Council and meets the requirements of the Building Code of Australia and AS3660.1 the Termite Protection Standard for New Buildings.

KORDON Termite Barrier – How it Protects a Building from Termites

KORDON Termite Barrier forms an impenetrable barrier against subterranean termites, as they cannot enter the building without exposing themselves by regular periodic inspection.

KORDON Termite Barrier is made of a geotextile fibrous webbing containing a termiticide chemical, ie deltamethrin, which is sandwiched between 2 sheets of plastic. Deltamethrin is highly repellant to termites and will kill them on contact.

Unlike alternatives KORDON Termite Barrier is easy to install with a high margin for error.

KORDON repels or kills termites that attempt to go around or through the KORDON Termite Barrier in a wall cavity. The chemical contained in the fibrous webbibg in the KORDON Termite Barrier product (deltamethrin) is a highly effective termiticide tested by

Reliable: The KORDON Termite Barrier product has an an inherent confidence level not afforded by alternative products on the market. It really works. For this reason the KORDON Termite Barrier product is the preferred termite barrier product by leading home and commercial builders and specified by architects in all conditions across Australia.

KORDON Terrmite Barrier • Code Mark Accredited BCA • AS.3660 Compliant

KORDON Termite Barrier is a powerful termite and moisture barrier solution fully permitted in compliance with the Building Code of Australia. KORDON Termite Barrier has CSIRO-ABSAC Appraisal that it meets necessary performance requirements.

CodeMark accreditation is building product certification scheme set up by the Australian Building Codes Board. Building products and systems displaying the CodeMark logo have been assessed that they comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

Independently assessed CodeMark is an independent assessment under Government supervision. The building industry and consumers can be confident the results and statements are in their best interests.

BCA compliance: KORDON Termite Barrier complies with the BCA – Volume 1: BP1.1 and BP1.2 and Volume 2: P2.1, as these sections relate subterranean termite protection.

Advantages of the KORDON TMB as a Termite Moisture Barrier

Convenience for builders: It’s simple, yet ingenious design is uniquely suited to effective and efficient installation on a building site with minimum disruption and organisation by the head building contractor.

The average perimeter installation only takes a few hours and becomes an integral part of the building process.

Flexibility of application: KORDON Termite Barrier is sufficiently flexible to meet even the most difficult and complicated situations, such as, buildings with multiple penetrations or step downs. Kordon can be molded around unusual shapes and can quickly be cut and joined to form a continuous barrier.

Made Tough for Building Site Conditions: KORDON Termite Barrier is a robust product. It takes a sharp knife to cut Kordon, a blunt object has little chance of penetrating the product. If a hole is made accidentally, it can be easily repaired.

Consistency of Product: Each square metre of KORDON Termite Barrier contains a consistent rate of 1 gram of deltamethrin. Kordon is manufactured to strict quality guidelines and quality control procedures by Bayer Environmental Science.

Long Term Warranty: When correctly installed by a Bayer accredited installer, the KORDON Termite Barrier system provides a 10 year warranty backed by Bayer Environmental Science.

For the Life of the Building: Based on on-going research, trial results indicate KORDON Termite Barrier should provide termite protection for more than 50 years.

Environmentally Safe: Bayer has declared KORDON Termite Barrier to be harmless to people and allergy free product. KORDON Termite Barrier is recommended for primary schools and for aged care buildings. The deltamethrin chemical is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide – meaning it is modeled on the natural extract of the pyrethrum plant.

 Destructive Termites “white-ants” in the Woollahra Sydney Metro Region

Subterranean termites or “white-ants” are a fascinating yet highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage to domestic and commercial buildings in the Woollahra Sydney Metro Region.

Termites are a serious economic pest in the Woollahra Council Region: We estimate about one quarter of all properties in the area will be seriously affected by subterranean termites. That’s why virtually all sales of homes in the Woollahra Sydney Metro Region are subject to a Timber Pest Inspection Report to AS.4349 as part of the Contract of Sale.

Click here for details and identification tips on destructive termites white-ants in the Woollahra Sydney Metro Region.

KORDON Termite Control Barrier • Articles • Links

Home Builders vs Termites – Article on Avoiding Legal Liabilities

KORDON Termite Barrier – CSIRO Appraisal – KORDON Physical Termite Barrier System

KORDON Termite Barrier – Consumer Information Brochure

KORDON Termite Barrier – Checklist – Builders Responsibility

KORDON Termite Barrier – Bayer Installation Manual

KORDON Termite Barrier – Product Safety Sheet

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – Concrete Slab – Bearers & Joists

KORDON Termite Barrier – Installation – External Perimeter

KORDON Termite Barrier – Example of Meter Box Sticker

KORDON Termite Barrier – Termites Fact Sheet – Biology & Distribution

Guide to Home Builders – Termite Issues – Australian Govt publication

Home Builders – Termite Control – Qld Building Services Authority

Australian Building Codes Board – Termite Control Requirements

Termites & Termite Control Services • Articles • Links

Australian Termite Identification PDF – Australian Govt AQIS Publication

Builders Guide to Termite Management PDF 2004 – Master Builders Qld

Protect Your Home from Termites 2003 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Fair Trading

Protect Buildings from Subterranean Termites 2006 PDF – Timber Qld Ltd

TERMIDOR Termite Control Soil Treatment Product PDF – BASF Australia Ltd

Termites in New South Wales 2005 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

Termite Risk Management PDF – Aust Govt Forest & Wood Products Research

Termite Incidence Survey & Hazard Map 2002 PDF – CSIRO & FWPRDC Research

Termite Management Systems 2010 PDF – Building Services Authority Qld

Termite Control & Termiticide Health Hazards 2004 PDF – Aust Govt Dept of Health

Termite Baits & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termites & Protection of Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Subterranean Termite Infestation in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

Urban Australian Cities under Termite Attack PDF – University of Qld et al

Drywood Termites & Termite Control in Buildings 2009 PDF – Qld Govt Publication

West Indian Drywood Termites 2008 PDF – NSW Govt Dept of Primary Industries

About FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control Woollahra … our credentials

APCA ... for Your Protection
  Same Family Business Since 1964FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is a second generation family business. After almost 50 years of providing pest control in Woollahra Council Region, we have a valuable reputation to protect and a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARDFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control received a Business Enterprise Award from NSW Govt Office of Small Business & Qantas for development of its EcoSafe Pest Control systems.

Accredited APCA MemberFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control is an Accredited Member and major supporter of the Australian Pest Controllers Association Inc APCA since it’s incorporation in 1987.

Industry Stewardship • FUMAPEST Managing Director served on NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board and Standards Australia Committes for Termite Control AS3660 & Termite Inspection Reports AS4349.

Insurance DetailsFUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control maintains public liability and professional indemnity insurances to cover personal injury and faulty workmanship of up to $20 million and $1 million respectively.

WARNING: The NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing is INADEQUATE


Be Careful in selecting a Pest Controller • Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get a NSW Government EPA issued pest control licence and start up a Pest Control business in NSW with little knowledge or experience in providing safe and effective pest control services • click here for more details.

The NSW Pest Control Licensing system is subject to National Competency Assessment guidelines. Mediocre testing can be carried by Private Workplace Assessors (not part of TAFE system). The so called competency assessment can be a combination of oral, written and visual tests ie maybe 1% in writing.

Private Workplace Assessors are given general guidelines in the National Competency Standards but there is no set standard test or specific knowledge requirements. Once privately assessed as “competent” then the NSW EPA Pest Control Licensing will issue a pest control licence to the individual. There is no published list of Private Workplace Assessors so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the problem.

The System is Inadequate: Some Private Assessors offer a one week course. A person so issued with a pest control licence can set up a Pest Control business (not required to register with EPA) and employ an unlimited number of trainees, using pesticides in people’s homes without direct personal supervision.

FUMAPEST Setting the Standard in an industry plagued by fly-by-night operators, FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control stands out as a reputable pest control business with excellent reputation in the market-place.

Same Family BusinessSince 1964 • Termite & Pest Control Specialists • AQIS Fumigation Services

FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the Woollahra Sydney Metro Region


Copyright © Fumapest Group 78 Stacey St South Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone 9722 9001 Email


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